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In times of global challenges, communicating research to multiple publics is key – but finding the right pathways can be difficult! On 3-4 May the European Science Engagement Conference 2023 will showcase new trends, engaging formats and innovative science communication strategies in Bolzano, Italy. The conference will bring together experts in science communication and public engagement from around 20 countries.

“Pathfinders on a Mission: Exploring engagement in a complex world” is this year’s theme, reflecting the urgent need to address the most pressing global challenges through science communication and engagement. The conference will feature 49 sessions, including scenario workshops, maker sessions, fishbowl discussions and expert panels on topics such as science festivals, citizen science, funding policies, science education, science and art.

“The EUSEA Conference 2023 is a great opportunity for science engagement professionals to come together, share their knowledge and experience, and explore new ways to engage multiple publics with science. With the urgent need to tackle global challenges in a co-creative way, we need to discuss and inspire each other to build a sustainable future”, states EUSEA President Cissi Askwall.

Two keynotes will provide food for thought: On day 1 Dr. Marc Zebisch, Head of the Center for Climate Change and Transformation – Eurac Research, will present “Climate Change: Communicating Complexity”.

Day 2 will spark creativity with the keynote speakers Antonia Caro-Gonzalez, Director of the International Research Project Office at Valencia International University, and Renata Petrevska, Associate Professor at University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, North Macedonia, presenting “Facilitation in Complexity: From Creation to Co-Creation, from Dreaming to Co-Dreaming, from Evolution to Co-Evolution”.

The EUSEA Conference 2023 will take place at the headquarters of Eurac Research Centre in Bolzano.

“We are very proud to host this conference. At Eurac Research, we care a lot about communicating the research and work of our researchers to different audiences. Making people aware of the topics we work on means raising awareness of the most relevant challenges for the future, climate change being perhaps the most significant one. Only in this way does everyone realise how important their individual contributions are ” says Roland Psenner, Eurac Research president.

The EUSEA Conference 2023 is open to science communicators, educators, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in science engagement. Registration is open here until 16 April. For more information, on the conference program and registration, please visit our conference page.

See you there!

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