This year’s iteration of Germany’s main science communication conference, Forum Wissen-schaftskommunikation, focuses on the theme “Scientists in the focus of science communication”. More and more often, scientific topics are communicated to the public not just by com-munication departments, but also by, scientists themselves.
They may reach large numbers of people directly, for example via social media. However, they also have to deal with challenges. This is where professional communicators can support them.
Representatives of universities, research institutions, cities and municipalities, science centres, student labs, science festivals and companies that conduct research are invited. The Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation is targeted at scientists, members of marketing and communications departments, science journalists, teachers, pre-school teachers, and all others with an interest in science communication.
The 11th Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation will take place at the University of Bonn, Germany from 7 – 9 November 2018. There will be an English language strand of sessions as part of the programme on 8th November.
Registration is open from today until 26th October online using the following link:
Here you will also find detailed information about the programme as well as about arrival and hotel reservations in Bonn. We recommend booking promptly.
Through the Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD), an initiative of German science research organisations, offers an opportunity for science communicators to ex-change ideas and expertise. Since 2008 the forum has offered professionals in the field an over-view of recent trends and strategies in science communication.