In the framework of the STEP CHANGE project, EUSEA, responsible for communication and dissemination activities, has interviewed Luciano d’Andrea, K&I, to deep dive into the topic of participatory evaluation, which is in fact a key element of the project.
The evaluation component of the project is applying a participatory evaluation method to identify the most valuable dimensions of the research conducted within the CSIs, and indicators taking into account the diverse perspectives of involved stakeholders. Those participating in the core team of each CSI, both professional and non-professional scientists, are being involved at all stages of the evaluation process. The core team, in fact, has taken part in the customisation and integration of the evaluation framework, as well as in the identification and implementation of evaluation tools and processes. Last but not least, the team will actively participate in the co-creation of evaluation reports.
The evaluation exercise, facilitated by a team of experienced social scientists, is adopting a Developmental Evaluation perspective, fostering equal relationships among all those involved and providing occasions for self-reflection and feedback on the design and management of the CSIs. Also, the open framework adopted has been tailored to the characteristics and aims of each CSI while integrating MoRRI and SDGs indicators, as well as other indicators addressing institutional change and sustainability of the initiatives in the long term.
In the interview, Luciano d’Andrea has explained what the benefits of Developmental Evaluation are, while also discussing challenges and opportunities related to the setting up of local evaluation units composed of both researchers and citizen scientists. In the interview, d’Andrea clarified how participatory evaluation is increasing and will increase CSIs’ self-reflexivity, but also discussed what a Citizen Social Science Initiative is.
Click here and do not miss this interview!