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EUSEA President Dr Kenneth Skeldon kicks off a new series of CIVIS monthly dialogue Sessions.

Launch session 13:00 – 14:00 (CEST) Tue 17 September: Public Engagement with Research: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

Brought to you by the Open Lab Network of the CIVIS European University Alliance, CIVIS CONNECT is a new online discussion series exploring the myriad of ways universities can engage with their civic surroundings. Topics will span areas such as service learning, challenge-led education and research and the civic role of a university.

For the launch edition, CIVIS has teamed up with EUSEA, and the session will be led by our President, Dr Kenneth Skeldon of the University of Glasgow. Ken is also the CIVIS Open Lab lead at Glasgow and will explore the seemingly always-changing landscape of public engagement with research and the increasingly important role networks such as EUSEA and European University Alliances can play.

There will be time for discussion. The session will also be sketch-captured by CIVIS CONNECT Resident Artist Judith Du Faux, who will create a wonderfully evolving visual storyboard for the series.

Join at the following link: (Meeting ID: 886 9214 2695, Passcode: 837462).