Fancy a game of scientific Bingo? Where speakers will lead the event through demonstrations, experiments,…
silviaMay 2, 2023

Two experts face-off, over the internet. Students get to ask questions and set challenges for…
silviaMay 2, 2023

Experience a science museum or aquarium after dark with an overnight science experience
silviaMay 2, 2023

Six hats thinking is a technique that helps individuals and teams look at problems and…
silviaMay 2, 2023

I'm a Scientist is an online, student.led STEM enrichment activity. It connects school students with…
silviaMay 2, 2023

Minibeast should not be scary... in fact... they are fantastic. Learn more about invertebrates and…
silviaMay 2, 2023

Combine a science presentation with an art class, who said that these subjects can't inform…
silviaMay 2, 2023