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History of the EUSEA Science Engagement Platform

“Living RRI”: Uptakes from the NUCLEUS Project

A large number of activities shared in this platform was inspired by the HORIZON 2020 project NUCLEUS (, 2014-2019). Many examples are derived from a series of so-called Mobile Nuclei – modular approaches to facilitate and broaden the uptake of Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI.

RRI focuses on engaging citizens and their representative institutions as active agents to solve societal challenges. Enabling easier access to scientific information and data, so a diverse range of stakeholders can participate in immersive discussions on scientific developments, this idea is one of the central cores for an RRI approach.

RRI processes aim to include actors from society, research, industry, policy and education into science and research processes. The goal is to maximise the impact of R+I processes by fostering collaborative forms of knowledge generation and transfer.

The EUSEA White Book

The European Science Engagement Platform includes recommendations that were once compiled in the EUSEA White Book.

In 2005 this publication was compiled by engaged and experienced EUSEA members, aiming to:

  • assess the state of the art of Science Communication Events (SCEs) in Europe
  • summarize strategies on how to start new SCEs
  • structure recommendations on how to improve existing SCEs
  • collect “best practices” and valuable ideas
  • enhance the Science Communication Event community in Europe

The White Book Inputs have been refreshed with new formats and toolkits that have been developed by sister institutions or EU Projects relevant to the field.

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National Science Communication and Public Engagement Platforms
In designing the platform we have considered high-quality national platforms developed by EUSEA members, Vetenskap & Allmänhet (V&A) and Wissenschaft im Dialog (Germany). Many of the examples mentioned in this platform are directing you to the hands-on examples these excellent platforms are showcasing: